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GLIDE voter information tabling

Tabling in front of GLIDE to collect GLIDE voter pledge cards, voter registration, provide rank choice voting information and recruit poll workers. GLIDE 30 Ellis St. San Francisco, Ca 94102 11AM to 1:00 PM Contact Erick Arguello at earguello@glide.org

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Phone bank with GlIDE!

Phone Bank with GLIDE! Join GLIDE in the campaign for Proposition 6 to end forced labor in California jails and prisons. Every Thursday through November 5, 2024. GLIDE 330 Ellis St. Room 500 San Francisco, Ca. 94102 4:30 to 6:30 PM   Contact Ian James at ijanes@glide.org

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GLIDE Election Day Polling Location

Make sure you vote!  GLIDE will be hosting the SF Department of Elections Polling location at: GLIDE 330 Ellis St. (entrance) San Francisco, Ca 94102 7 AM to 8 PM For more information about voting or rank choice voting please click on links below. https://www.sf.gov/departments/department-elections https://www.sf.gov/ranked-choice-voting

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