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Easter at Glide Memorial Church

Glide will celebrate a radical resurrection at our annual Easter Sunrise Celebration at 7am, and our regular 9 and 11 am Easter Celebrations. Services will take place in our historic sanctuary, community fellowship space, Freedom Hall, and stream online.

The morning begins with a poetry and prayer, song and praise-filled Sunrise Service at 7 am.  At 9 and 11 am the joyful Sunday Celebration will feature the Change Band and the gospel of the Glide Ensemble. A special sermon will be shared by Minister Marvin K. White.

Join us this Sunday for a special 7:00 am Sunrise service of poetry and prayer.  At 9:00 or 11:00 am Pacific we will have our Easter Sunday Celebrations.  All three services will take place at 330 Ellis Street, or on Facebook Live or YouTube.

Our Writers Church, which happens during every Sunday Celebration, will provide writing prompts, free writing journals and pens to all.