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Glide Memorial Church Announcements

Sunday Celebration
September 2024

Our weekly Sunday Celebrations are 9:00 and 11:00 am.  You can join us online, through our livestream on Facebook and YouTube.   Dial in by Phone (855) 412-3177.  Or, you can join us in person at 330 Ellis Street, in San Francisco’s historic Tenderloin District

Writer’s Church: Every Sunday is also a celebration of art as a tool of resistance. We have Writer’s Church, and we have poetry that honors the art and practice of sacred storytelling. During our Sunday Celebration Writers Church you can start writing all the things you are grateful for with one of our free journals and pens that we pass out every Sunday.

The 1st Sunday of the Month is Communion Sunday. Those who are interested should stop by Freedom Hall (downstairs) after the 9 and 11 am Celebrations.  We provide a diversity of communion elements to meet the varying dietary needs of Glide Memorial Church.  Communion is available on the first Sunday of each month. 

Events congregation connects
keeping it real

Keeping it Real meets online from 1 to 3 pm on Sundays. Everyone’s in recovery from something. Had a hard week and need some support? Keeping It Real is a space to talk about anything that is on your heart, to break bread and get support. To receive access to the online meeting, please contact fmartin@glide.org.

new location - sept 2024

Weekly Sober Support Meetings 

  • NA Meetings: 12 pm on Tuesday and Thursdays (Coffee House)
  • AA Meetings: 12 pm on Wednesdays (Room 206)

Join The Yummy Words Monthly Workshop on 2nd Wednesdays, from 7:15 – 8:15 pm on Zoom. Bring your best recipes and share in a free writing workshop with Ramona Laughing Brook Webb. To receive access to the online meeting, please contact fmartin@glide.org

Wednesday, September 11th, 6:00 pm – Pursuing Progress Film Screening: Join the Center for Social Justice for a twelve-minute film and moving panel discussion about our Alabama Justice Pilgrimage. Join the Center for Social Justice for a twelve-minute film and moving panel discussion about our Alabama Justice Pilgrimage! Throughout history, pilgrims have undertaken long and arduous journeys in the hope of being transformed from the inside out. GLIDE is pioneering a new kind of pilgrimage: members of our community go on a trip to Alabama to visit memorials, museums, and sites of historic civil rights struggle. The journey opens eyes to the links between enslavement and modern-day mass incarceration. Turn out to hear all about how minds, hearts, and lives were changed on last year’s trip. RSVP for This Free Event

gmc you are invited

Sunday, September 15that Glide Memorial Churchs 11 am Celebration where we will launch a $10 million Church Building Fund. Dr. Gina Fromer will be singing and speaking, Minister Marvin K. White will poetically inspire, and members of the church community will be Speaking Out about their commitment to financially support sanctuary upgrades and repairs. 

In addition to the festivities, you will also be able to view some of the exciting repairs that have been completed on both the interior and exterior of our historic sanctuary.  Come view the fresh paint, restored maple floors and the major progress on the long-awaited restoration of our Rose Window.  

The gathering will be the first time Dr Gina and Min. Marvin share their vision to ensure that our building is as fresh and welcoming as the unconditional love shared from the pulpit every Sunday.  The event will also serve as a springboard for future investment into our 330 Ellis campus and expansion goals. 

Join us, at 11 am on Sunday, September 15th for this important event! 

Maya Angelou Statue

Thursday, September 19th, 10:00 am – Maya Angelou Statue Unveiling at San Francisco Main Library. The GLIDE Ensemble will be performing and our President & CEO, Dr. Gina Fromer, will be among the speakers.

Sunday, September 22nd, at 9 and 11 am Celebrations, San Francisco Public Defender Mano Raju will be speaking about how Public Defenders work with community to further liberation, safety, and health through justice! A son of immigrants from India, Mano Raju’s pursuit of justice is rooted in his acute awareness of the ramifications of social inequalities. Despite coming from a farming village, his parents managed to emigrate to America, where they raised Mano on the East Coast. Mano completed his undergraduate degree at Columbia University, and holds a Master’s degree in South Asian Studies from U.C. Berkeley, where he also earned his law degree. 

Mano is deeply committed to a client and community-centered approach to defense work. “Our impact is not measured in numbers, but in the people we represent,” he said. “It’s by the mother who can return home to her family. The son who can continue to work to support his family. And to the children of those we defend, who benefit from having an equal opportunity to survive and who might one day use that opportunity to lead.” The personal interest he takes in his clients’ lives helps fuel him not only to fiercely litigate and win cases, but also to raise his voice against the inequities he and his clients encounter in the criminal legal system. 

As the only elected Public Defender in California, Mano continues to uphold the Office’s reputation not only as a formidable group of lawyers, paralegals, social workers, investigators and support staff, but also as a catalyst for criminal legal system change in  local and state-wide arenas. 

Delores Huerta

Thursday, September 26th, 6pm – Hispanic Heritage Month with Dolores Huerta: Join GLIDE’s Center for Social Justice as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. This year, we are honored to have iconic American Labor Leader and Civil Rights Activist Dolores Huerta as a featured speaker.  Dolores will speak of the challenges and achievements of her path and the contributions and future of the Latinx/immigrant communities, followed by a question-and-answer session led by our host, Latina Civil Rights Activist Olga Talamante.


Sing with the Glide Ensemble!

The Glide Ensemble sing, play, clap and sway, spreading the spirit of empowerment in an infectious message of diversity, acceptance and love.  Choose a song that really speaks to you in a soulful way.  Make a 3-5 minute video of yourself singing the song from start to finish.  Send the video, via email, to the Glide Music Program.

Outreach Ministry

Stop by the Church’s Fellowship Table, every Tuesday from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, located at GLIDE’S Tenderloin Community Resource Hub on Ellis Street. The Fellowship Table is part of the Church’s “Ministry of Presence” and community organizing, and is a public space for compassionate care, respite, prayer, and community connections.

Volunteers Needed

We need volunteers to help with a variety of tasks at the church.  Our greatest needs during Sunday Celebrations include, help with the Glide Store, ushering and AV help.  Volunteers are also needed to help with our congregational life groups and serving with the many programs caring for the homeless and hungry at the Glide Foundation.  If you are interested and able, please reach out to churchoffice@glide.org to learn more or let us know that you are interested.

We’re Hiring

Ready to bring your gifts and skills to a spirituality, mission, vision and values-driven organization? Join our Glide Memorial Church team and work towards bringing more love and hope and healing into the Tenderloin and into the world.

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