Glide Programs

Meeting basic needs, stabilizing lives, and supporting individuals and families to realize their goals and dreams.

Mission & Method

Fifty years of serving the most vulnerable, and hiring our staff from the community, has given GLIDE exceptional cultural competency and earned it the trust of its clients and the community. On this foundation of competency and trust, our integrated and comprehensive service model meets basic needs and supports people along pathways toward stabilization and self-sufficiency. Coupled with linkages to partnering organizations, this integrated approach delivers the most innovative and effective interventions to address poverty, homelessness, drug use disorders and family crisis.

Who GLIDE Serves

Our programs focus on the most vulnerable people in our community, including women and people of color, children, individuals with complex needs and recent immigrants. We welcome everyone, meet people where they are and support the needs of the whole person.
Daily Meals Services

Daily Free Meals and Food in San Francisco

GLIDE offers the city’s only free meals program in San Francisco providing three nutritious meals a day, 364 days a year, to the one-in-four San Franciscans facing food insecurity.

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Housing Services

Walk-In Center

The GLIDE Walk-In Center provides crisis intervention services and helps people meet their basic needs immediately. We provide assistance in obtaining shelter, hygiene kits and other critical needs in an atmosphere of respect and compassion for all who come through our doors.

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Children Services

Family, Youth and Childcare Center

A safe, culturally diverse environment for children and families providing licensed childcare, afterschool and summer programs, and a family resource center to help people realize their potential at home, in school and in their community.

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Men In Progress

Men In Progress

A series of court-ordered batterer’s intervention classes that teaches men the skills they need to work through their anger and end their domestic violence at home, at work and in the community.

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Health Services

HIV/Hep C and Harm Reduction Services

Providing HIV/Hep-C testing, street outreach, syringe access and disposal services and overdose prevention training as well as linking clients to HIV and Hep C treatment, primary care, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) and a continuum of substance use treatment options.

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Legal Services

Unconditional Legal Clinic

A drop-in clinic providing free legal advice and referrals for people facing issues related to housing discrimination, immigration cases, expungement of criminal records and more, in partnership with the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area.

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women's center, staff
women's center

Women's Center

GLIDE’s Women’s Center in San Francisco uses a trauma-informed care approach to help women heal in a safe and supportive environment.

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Cecil Williams Ambassador Program

Cecil Williams Ambassador Program

As part of GLIDE’s mobile integrated services program, our ambassadors take immediate action to improve safety, cleanliness, service connections, and community well-being.

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