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2020 Ballot Guide

Together, we can make the world a more loving and just place, one vote at a time.

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GLIDE Center for Social Justice 2020 Ballot Guide

These are not political positions. They are values-driven stances on the issues that affect the people who walk through our doors every day.

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Local Propositions

YES on Proposition A

Raises $487.5 million through a General Obligation Bond, and directs that money to some of our city's most pressing needs. Prop A directs funds to mental health facilities, substance use programs, permanent supportive housing and homeless shelters. It also funds parks, open space, and recreational facilities, including green and climate resilient infrastructure. And it directs funds to seismic upgrades for public structures and plazas, curb ramps and road repairs.

YES on Proposition D

All law enforcement needs to have public oversight, in the name of transparency and accountability. Prop D establishes a seven-member Sheriff's Department Oversight Board, which will advise and make recommendations to the Sheriff and the Board of Supervisors; receive, review, and investigate complaints against the Department; investigate in-custody deaths; and recommend a Sheriff's use-of-force policy and an internal review process for use of force and critical incidents.

YES on Proposition E

Since 1994, San Francisco’s city charter has required its police department to maintain at least 1,971 full-time sworn officers. Prop E calls for a charter amendment that will base San Francisco’s police staffing requirements on a data-driven process. A required annual staffing report will be subject to public hearing, and will be considered when approving the department’s budget.

San Francisco’s minimum police staffing figures are currently set by arbitrary and antiquated formulas, which results in inappropriate budget allocations, taking vital funding away from pressing community needs. Prop E will save the City money and prevent over-policing of our communities.

YES on Proposition F

Reforms San Francisco payroll and gross receipts taxes, creating additional revenue for the City and ensuring funding for the childcare ballot measure passed by voters in 2018. Also extends exemptions to small businesses from this tax.

Prop F provides much needed support for our low-income families by allowing the City to unlock hundreds of millions of dollars tied up in a legal dispute over 2018's voter-approved Universal Childcare for San Francisco Families Initiative.

YES on Proposition K

Proposition K authorizes a pilot program for the City to own, develop, construct, rehabilitate or acquire up to 10,000 units of affordable housing.

This measure makes possible the creation of thousands of desperately needed affordable housing units by lowering discriminatory barriers put in place at the state level 70 years ago.

State Propositions

YES on Proposition 16

Repeals Proposition 209 (1996), which undercut affirmative action programs that redress structural inequality.

Repealing 209 would be a step toward fighting long-standing patterns of discrimination and dismantling structural racism.
We know that economic opportunities are key among the social determinants of health. Prop 16 helps level the playing field and leads to better outcomes for women and historically marginalized communities.

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YES on Proposition 17

Would amend the State Constitution to allow people on parole to register to vote and vote in elections. People on parole who are registered to vote and have not been convicted of perjury or bribery would also be allowed to run for public office.

Prop 17 helps to dismantle structural racism by removing barriers to accessing the ballot box among people of color disproportionately targeted by the criminal justice system.
Civic engagement is linked to lower rates of recidivism, and allows parolees to help remove the stigma of their past.
Nineteen other states currently allow people who are on parole to vote.

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NO on Proposition 20

Makes changes to policies related to criminal sentencing charges, prison release, and DNA collection.

Prop 20 reinforces systemic racism in the justice system. It rolls back criminal justice reforms passed by lawmakers and voters over the past 10 years, increasing penalties for people who violate the terms of their supervised release (making it more likely that they will be sent back to jail or prison), and doubling the number of felonies that disqualify people who are incarcerated from being able to apply for early parole consideration.

We need to continue moving away from a racially unjust system of mass incarceration that greatly harms individuals, families and communities. We urge you to vote NO on Prop 20.

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YES on Proposition 21

Expands local governments' power to use rent control.

At a time of increasing housing insecurity, Prop 21 will allow for greater housing security among lower-income residents.

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