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Congregational Life Spotlight

The reparations journey culminated to an exciting new stage in the steps leading to implementation of the recommendations for reparations for african americans in san francisco submitted by the sf african american reparations advisory committee. We Won! The SF Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to approve and adopt the SF Reparations Plan! This means that all of the hard work, organizing, outreach, meetings, announcements, community engagement, education, reading, and civic engagement paid off. Our beloved Glide MC community showed up and showed out. We activated hundreds of Glide’s minds and hearts and worked together with them to put positive pressure on our city officials to let them know that it is time to repair all of the harms done to our people. It is time to rebuild on a level playing field and create wonderous magic with all that is returned to us.

My greatest joy was watching the education through the various racial justice group meetings and listening sessions of people who knew little or nothing about reparations, have light bulb moments that resonated with them and provoked them to buy into and agree that reparations are due to African Americans in SF and they would commit to doing whatever it takes; rallies, call ins, emails, signing on to letters, talking to their district supervisors, the Mayor, action network campaigns, and being fierce advocates for social/racial justice, reparations, and change. All of the community groups and partners that supported us, blessed my heart, spirit, and soul.

Amazingly, All of the Racial Justice Group members: Paula, Fiona, Thom, Sara Parades, Linda Cummings and Mantel, Tatiana, Tyree, Shavonne, Debra, and Naith were dedicated to discussing, understanding, and advocating at the forefront, volunteering, serving food, greeting, signing people in, and giving directions to people as they entered Glide. It was God’s love and their excellent leadership and stewardship that made this a huge success and victory. More to come, stay tuned.

If you have questions about Congregational Life Groups and Events, you can reach out to Freddy Martin (415-674-6168 or fmartin@glide.org) our Congregational Life & Community Engagement Manager.