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January Congregational Life Spotlight

I would like to highlight the prayer/fellowship table for this month. It is expanding out to encompass a deeper outreach into the community for prayer and spiritual support within our beloved TL community. The soon to be expanded outreach will include a multi facet approach covering a larger area of the TL beyond the Ellis & Taylor street blocks. The expansion also includes more practical support for our community members when needed: to make Glide appointments, Dr’s appointments, housing, health, and much needed social and immediate supports to increase better health and wellbeing by our unconditional love. This includes referrals to our Glide-Stupski Community Care Network with AC Care Alliance and the matched resources and referrals that they provide for people living with serious & advanced illness, palliative, or end of life stage care needs. This Prayer/Fellowship Ministry is proving to be one of our most successful; in gathering street prayers from people from all backgrounds and situations giving much needed encouragement. What an amazing Church. What a great impact Glide MC is having in the community’s spiritual and social well-being.

Our Stupski community care network is also having the much anticipated certificate of training completion ceremony on 1/7/24 in Freedom Hall from 1230-3pm; lunch will be provided.

We also want to acknowledge and celebrate our Pride team’s connection to  community; they had a successful “Caroling in the Castro” in December!

Happy Holidays

Freddy Martin

Congregational Life-Community Engagement Manager