
Ushers at Glide Memorial Church help to provide support during Sunday Celebrations and Special Events. These fine individuals greet, support and help support members, friends and guests at worship.

Ushers Mission: to act as ambassadors of Glide’s love and unconditional acceptance at Sunday Celebrations.

How do we do that?

  • Taylor gate welcome
  • seating
  • tissues and fans
  • journals and pens – writers church
  • collections
  • back tables
  • ushering at special events
  • downstairs congregation
  • steadfast presence and safety
  • goodbyes and thank yous

Please Join Us:

  • Greeters at Taylor Gate and the upstairs entrances
  • Ushers during the Celebration in the Sanctuary
  • Ushers in Freedom Hall for coffee and friends
  • Ushers at the exits to thank people for coming and inviting them back

If you are interested in learning more or would like to help, please contact Freddy Martin (415-674-6168 or our Congregational Life & Community Engagement Manager.