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Justice Poetry Workshop

The Center for Social Justice Spoken Word Workshop series seeks to foster a sense of duty and creative self-actualization, in which attendees build on the praxis of poetry to nurture equity and justice. Workshop participants will leave developing a deeper understanding of the spoken word, and perform their new skills in front of new audiences in our Virtual Justice Events or café nights, with a renewed sense of faith in their artwork and justice work.Our facilitator will be Jada Imani. She is an East St. Louis-born, Bay Area-raised Hip-Hop R&B artist and organizer. Imani has collaborated on projects with Adidas, the Oakland Museum of California, and the Grammys Recording Academy as a voting member, but her passion is in local, independent projects.This class will take place bi-weekly on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30 PM starting May 18th and until September 7th.The first cohort workshop is closed. If you want to join the 2023 cohort, please email Erick Arguello, Advocacy Manager, at earguello@glide.org.

CSJ Poetry Workshop: https://tinyurl.com/4uu7d4hp

In solidarity,

Center for Social Justice