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GLIDE Celebrates AANHPI Month!

lunar new year

Dear GLIDE Community,

I am delighted to celebrate this Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month with you!

People of AANHPI heritage are deeply woven into the historical fabric of San Francisco, and a vital component of our lived experience at GLIDE. From the legacy of our beloved co-founder, Janice Mirikitani, to the many dedicated GLIDE staff, volunteers and clients, the AANHPI community is a cherished and valuable part of our beloved GLIDE family.

I encourage you to reflect on the contributions of people of AANHPI descent to the entire Bay Area, from building the very foundations of San Francisco to the rich cultural diversity that continues to bless us all. I hope you will join me in uplifting their contributions and resilience.

We know that our work towards social justice and radical inclusion at GLIDE is never done. Food insecurity, unaffordable housing, and anti-Asian violence continue to plague us nationwide, especially here at home.

These challenges bring people through our doors every day– from elderly clients who come to GLIDE because they just can’t afford a third meal of the day on their own to young parents whose children attend our preschool while they work to support their families.

All the while, according to a national survey by the group Stop AAPI Hate, nearly half (49%) of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders experienced some form of race-based hate in 2023. We know these acts are the despicable byproducts of systemic history of stereotyping, silencing, and discriminating against the AANHPI community.

At GLIDE, we will never stop fighting for our vulnerable neighbors and friends in the AANHPI community, even as we celebrate their triumphs and elevate their voices and contributions.


Rob Bonta visit resize

California Attorney General Rob Bonta (4th from the right) visits with GLIDE staff in April of 2024.

Last month at GLIDE, we were honored to host California Attorney General Rob Bonta–the first person of Filipino descent and the second Asian-American to occupy his position. Together, we explored the importance of services to help individuals transition back into their communities after incarceration and discussed new ways to collaborate on these critical issues.

We will continue leading initiatives that build pathways to empathy, trust, and reconciliation. Our innovative outreach and work with police, healthcare workers, businesses, and our own diverse community is impacting how people see themselves and each other.

We look forward to embracing and celebrating the AANHPI community together with you–this month and every month as we work together as One GLIDE to bring love and dignity to everyone.

With love,

Dr. Gina Fromer