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GLIDE’s 2023 Senior Luncheon: A Western-Themed Celebration of Dedication and Community

Our GLIDE community gathered with great enthusiasm on December 5th, 2023, for the annual “Senior Luncheon,” a heartwarming tradition initiated in 2017 by Pamela Brown Pantry Coordinator, Tina Huang Client Advocate, and Diane TruongMeals Navigator. This year’s Western theme is an homage to the pioneering spirit of resilience and community, mirroring the values that GLIDE embodies and encourages in all its endeavors. 

At the heart of the luncheon were our Seniors, whose daily Volunteer efforts are the cornerstone of our community. The event served as an expression of gratitude for their unwavering service. 

Heartfelt acknowledgments and festive activities marked the celebration. Each senior volunteer was honored with a certificate and a gift bag filled with practical items like socks, hand sanitizer, and GLIDE memorabilia, signifying our deep appreciation. 

Entertainment featured the ‘Glidettes,’ a group of energetic senior volunteers, and GLIDE staff members, including Pamela, Tina, and Diane, each performing an invigorating line dance. These performances underscored the joyous spirit of the day. 

Guests, adorned in cowboy hats, scarves, and boots, enjoyed a delicious spread of Barbecue Chicken, Potato Salad, Macaroni Salad, Baked Beans, and Dinner Rolls. This theme brought an added layer of excitement and unity to the event. 

At the end of the event, Tina Huang reflected, “I am grateful that we were able to gather our community back together, to see their smiles, hear their laughter, and feel their energy – just like before the pandemic.” Diane Truong highlighted the importance of the luncheon in fostering community bonds, and Pamela Brown expressed her happiness, “I’m glad that we were able to bring back our annual senior luncheon. It’s a way for us to show our appreciation to them and let them know that we are thankful for them.”