No Justice, No Peace

Minister Marvin K. White addressed GLIDE Staff at a vigil for Black lives lost to state and state-backed violence on June 9, 2020.

My job today is to remind you that the actions you take now and next are necessary. Because through your actions, you affirm that freedom is the goal and aim of this uprising. Yes, we are fighting for justice in the death of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and Countless Named and Unnamed Black People Killed at the hands of the state and state actors but my job is to remind you that after justice, comes peace. And “after justice, comes peace” is a scientific and universal law right up there with Archimedes’ Principle of Buoyancy, Hooke’s Law of Elasticity, Bernoulli’s Law of Fluid Dynamics (Bernoulli’s Principle), Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressures and Fourier’s Law of Heat Conduction.

After justice, comes peace. Or out of the mouth of protestors, “No Justice, No Peace.” It’s not a threat, it’s holding Peace as the aim. It’s holding Peace as the truth! And peace is what we are fighting through the justice to get to and return to. And we’re close! How do I know? Because White Supremacy and Oppression rears its ugly head like a bully daring us to cross the bodies of murdered black people to get to Peace every time. And look at us, and look at y’all, standing up to police brutality, standing down racism, standing up to silence, and standing down white fragility. We close to Peace. Because Justice in the air.

And we do the many named and unnamed Black people, killed by the police, no favors, if we don’t move into the Peace that they were headed towards for over 400 years now! And Peace, across Faith, across Race, across Gender, across Sexuality, across Class, does not die with us. Death raises the possibility of Peace even more. Keep fighting for Peace.

No Justice…

No Peace…

No Justice…

No Peace…

No Justice…

No Peace…

No Justice…

No Peace…

No Justice…

No Peace…