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Vote YES! on Proposition 6 and End Slavery in California

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Slavery and involuntary servitude (forced labor) are still legal in California as punishment for a crime.

     Proposition 6 would:

  • Change the California constitution to prohibit slavery and involuntary  servitude       in any form.
  • Prohibit the prison system from disciplining any incarcerated person for declining
    a work assignment. Still allows for a voluntary work program.
  • Give incarcerated people more flexibility to engage in rehabilitative programs like education, emotional intelligence courses, mental health and substance use treatment, which can reduce recidivism and support successful reentry.
  • Prevent incarcerated people from being disciplined for choosing rehabilitative activities over a work assignment.

At GLIDE, we support Proposition 6, which would allow our clients and community members who are incarcerated to have a choice in their work assignment and more flexibility to engage in services.

Can We Count on You?

Ending slavery in California is a human dignity, racial equity, and public safety issue that is long overdue!

Visit Yes on Prop 6 to learn more!


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