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Glide Pride: Creating a Gay Community Center

After the Society for Individual Rights (SIR) Community Center burnt down, Glide helped to organize efforts to create a Gay Community Center that could host all the LGBTQIA+ organizations.  Intersectional divisions amongst the groups made it difficult to work together.  Those at Glide wanted to the center to remain a free space that supports everyone.  Others wanted there to be dues, limiting access to those who could not afford to participate.

1972 – Efforts to Create a Gay Community Center

Bay Area Reporter, Volume 2, Number 16, 9 August 1972. Courtesy of the Internet Archive.

Bay Area Reporter, Volume 2, Number 16, 9 August 1972. Courtesy of the Internet Archive.

1977 – Membership Created Despite Agreements Made at a Glide Meeting

Alternate November 1977. Courtesy of the Internet Archive.



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