GLIDE and Community Partners Host Womxn’s Wellness Fair

GLIDE’s Women’s Center, in conjunction with community partners The Healing Well, La Cocina, YWAM San Francisco and Simply the Basics, hosted a Womxn’s Wellness Fair on Friday, May 7–the start of Mother’s Day Weekend. The free, day-long event was meant to celebrate and serve all unhoused, and housed women-identified residents in the Tenderloin and took place in the Tenderloin Community Resource Hub at Ellis Street and Taylor in front of GLIDE.

Wake Up, People!

Lisa Pelletier-Ross, a beloved staff member at GLIDE, serving as a trusted Community Safety Team Shift Lead, shares her reflections and grief during these exceptionally challenging times that demand justice,

Saundra Haggerty

“All behavior is learned behavior”

Saundra Haggerty on GLIDE’s Men In Progress violence-intervention program Saundra Haggerty is the lead facilitator and case manager for GLIDE’s Men In Progress (MIP) program, a 52-week court-mandated Batterer’s Intervention

Soul Force

Isoke Femi on the spiritual roots of African American music and the power of harmony Music has always played an essential role in resisting oppression and advancing social justice, including

A Place to Find Connection

Reflections on Client Advocacy, or What Is a Case Manager? (Part 2) Walk-In Center client advocate Nikki Dove says her role at GLIDE is a constant reminder of how hard

Give an Ear: Why Listening Is Love

Lisa Pelletier-Ross is a beloved staff member at GLIDE, serving as a trusted Community Safety Team Shift Lead. She, along with several other members of Community Safety and the Meals

Lending Hope

Angela Coleman has worked at GLIDE in various roles for 13 years, and is currently a much-loved Case Manager with our Walk-In Center. GLIDE recognizes the need to work closely

A Father’s Gift

Iona Lewis is a Case Manager with GLIDE’s Men in Progress program. Thanks to her father, Iona has been a part of the GLIDE community her entire life. Now, she

A Family Affair

Laura Thompson, founding member of the GLIDE Legacy Committee, remembers her mother by living GLIDE’s values GLIDE Church has a long-standing tradition of featuring voices from the community in a