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Glide Pride: Conclusion

As we look back on 60 years of advocacy with and for the LGBTQ community, we celebrate all the ways that Glide’s leaders and community have been at the forefront of efforts to improve the lives of LGBTQ individuals.  We have indeed come a long way.  At the same time, to many LGBTQ individuals still live on the edge of safety, spirituality and the ability to fully participate in civic life.  As anti-trans and anti-drag legislation pops up around the country, Glide remains at the forefront of work to provide spiritual care, advocacy, recovery and hope to all affected by these biased laws.

Glide continues to provide harm reduction, food and support to the homeless in San Francisco, a disproportionate number who are LGBTQ.  Glide continues to advocate for reform in the city and in our police department.  LGBTQ leaders continue to shepherd Glide Church forward. The Glide Pride Team continues to gather and provide support to those who need it.  And Glide keeps on marching with pride.

If you have been harmed and are looking for a place to recover, you are invited to join us.

If you are longing for someone to listen to or help you tell your story, join us.

If this exhibit has inspired you to learn more about Glide Pride, you can connect here.

If this exhibit has inspired you to help support Glide Pride for the next 60 years you can make a donation here.