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Glide Pride: Employment Equity

The documents below show some of the ways that Glide Memorial Church worked for decades to ensure fair employment practices for LGBTQ individuals.  The work was led by a church committee called the Glide Task Force for Fair Employment Practices for Homosexuals.  Their work began in 1969 with the creation of a non-discrimination policy at the church and foundation and a pledge to boycott companies that actively discriminated against LGBTQ individuals.

Next the committee, in partnership with organizations that met in Glide’s facilities, worked to change the City and County of San Francisco’s policies that excluded LGBTQ employees.  These discriminatory laws were in part, due in part to the unjust laws that criminalized LGBTQ lives, gatherings and clothing.  Catalyzed by the death of Supervisor Harvey Milk, San Francisco’s employment policies changed in 1972.

For decades after, Glide built coalitions and lobbied for federal anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ employees.  These efforts served as active opposition to other faith communities and individuals who sought to divide communities.  Glide actively created opportunities to unite groups and argued, as the Rev. Cecil Williams said: “”Any right that is taken from any group is a right taken from every group.” (San Francisco sentinel, June 6, 1991 19:23 – article displayed below).

1969 – Glide Task Force for Fair Employment Practices for Homosexuals

Courtesy of the GLBT Historical Society, Don Lucas Papers, Box 9.

The Society for Individuals Rights (SIR) met at Glide in their early days and regularly hosted events.

Courtesy of the ONE Archive at the USC Libraries, San Francisco, CA – Gay Rights Ordinances 

Courtesy of the ONE Archive at the USC Libraries, San Francisco, CA – Gay Rights Ordinances 


1970 – The Council on Religion and the Homosexual

Courtesy of the Glide Archive

The Council on Religion and the Homosexual, in partnership with Dorian Society of Seattle, Homosexual Law Reform Society, Mattachine Midwest, Mattachine Society San Francisco, Mattachine Society of Washington, The National League for Social Understanding, Society for Individual Rights and the Tavern Guild of San Francisco published a booklet in hopes of getting accurate information out to those who were advocating for rights.  You can read the full pamphlet here.  When citing this document, please include: Courtesy of the Glide Memorial Church Archive

This pamphlet includes: Introduction, The Senate Report of 1950; Federal Exclusionary Policies; Criticism of Present Federal Policies; Challenging Present Exclusionary Policies; State, Local and Private Employment and Conclusions.

1978 – Fighting the Briggs Amendment and Supporting LGBTQIA+ Teachers

Bay Area Reporter, Volume 8, Number 21, 12 October 1978. Courtesy of the Internet Archive.

1991 – Black Leaders Support AB 101 Banning Discrimination Against Gays and Lesbians

Courtesy of the GLIDE Archive

Courtesy of the Glide Archive



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