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GLIDE Stands Ready to Combat the Overdose Epidemic

gina, bullhorn, proposition 1, 2024, february

Earlier this week, I attended a rally outside of Boeddeker Park here in the Tenderloin to address the dire consequences of the fentanyl epidemic.

At this rally, I shared a message that GLIDE stands ready to combat the overdose epidemic ravaging our community using any effective tools at our disposal.

I joined fellow community members to mourn the tragic and preventable deaths from this epidemic and share how GLIDE is actively working to expand treatment programs that address this public health crisis.

This includes reducing risk for drug users through proven health interventions, promoting full abstinence and sobriety, and creating safer spaces for the community at large.

I want to reassert and clarify GLIDE’s commitment to this work. Since the beginning of the AIDS and crack epidemic, GLIDE has implemented harm-reduction strategies to curtail the spread of disease and reduce stigma and shame.

GLIDE strongly believes in embracing this approach to minimize the risks of drug use rather than criminalizing substance use disorders.

We are committed to working with the community, the City and those directly impacted to address the overdose epidemic we are experiencing at an unprecedented level. At GLIDE, we believe Harm Reduction promotes health across a broad continuum.

We are resolutely committed to addressing a public health crisis that has taken more than 800 lives from us in 2023 alone. One overdose is one too many. 

Overcoming the overdose epidemic is not a one-size-fits-all all approach. GLIDE provides a 360-degree view of this issue, with services ranging from Safe Syringe Access to Narcotics and Alcoholics Anonymous.

We meet people where they are, in the spirit of radical inclusion and unconditional love, recognizing that substance use is a health issue (not a criminal issue) and therefore is addressed most effectively through public health interventions. We strongly believe the best way to treat a disorder is through data-driven and effective public health interventions. 

Our message is simple. 

For anyone who walks through the doors at GLIDE – we see you, we love you, your life matters, and we will accept you exactly as you are. To fight the overdose crisis, we have more work to do, and we won’t stop until we see this crisis abate. As the President & CEO at GLIDE, you have my assurance I will continue to lead GLIDE in this fight.

gina, fromer


Dr. Gina Fromer
President & CEO
The GLIDE Foundation